Super Jump
Intellect Training

Your Super Jump Intellect Trainer – Liezel Steyn

What is Super Jump?

  • Super Jump is a hands-on, online or in-person school, that helps people reach their full potential and achieve greater success in everyday life.
  • Super Jump is the best intellectual gym where every person in a positive environment, and with a personal Intellect Trainer, creates an ideal self.
  • Super Jump is a unique system that frees a person from their inner imprisonment and lays the foundation of greatness in them.
  • A new method of human development. Online intelligence training, Super Jump.
  • We practice an integrated and practical approach to adult development.

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Vital Energy

  • Increasing VQ (vital energy coefficient) energy levels
  • Increasing the level of happiness
  • Development of a positive mentality
  • Development of practical optimism
  • Getting rid of chronic fatigue
  • Increasing mental performance
  • Increasing personal efficiency, intelligence and thinking
  • Development of emotional intelligence EQ
  • Development of awareness
  • Development of large-scale thinking
  • Development of creative thinking
  • Development of divergent thinking
  • Development of analytical thinking
  • Development of strategic thinking, goal setting and planning
  • Definition of life mission
  • Finding the meaning of life
  • Development of the ability to set and achieve goals
  • Development of planning skills
  • Development of new good habits


  • Leadership Development
  • Development of charisma
  • Development of self-confidence
  • Development of self-control skills
  • Development of self-motivation skills
  • Development of your individuality
  • Development of the ability to inspire and motivate


  • Development of public speaking skills
  • Development of communication skills
  • Development of negotiation skills
  • Developing the skill to argue your thoughts
  • Developing the skill to defend your interests
  • Development of active listening skills

Neurosis and Depression

  • Getting rid of depression and stress
  • Getting rid of fears and phobias
  • Getting rid of neurosis and psychosis
  • Getting rid of resentment and apathy
  • Getting rid of anxieties and worries
  • Getting rid of anger and aggression


  • General health promotion
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Disease prevention
  • Hardening of the body
  • Prevention of scoliosis and osteochondrosis
  • Increasing physical performance

This is an online and off-line system of real human development, which helps to maximize the effects of health, and most important, happiness for your entire life – independent of age, gender, income, kind of activity, social status, religion or country in which you live. This is a system of mental exercises, of a number of pedagogical methods, of development environment and an Intellect Trainer (someone who guarantees the quality of growth in the Super Jump system), which gives improbable staggering results, which is necessary for each person on our planet.

Why was Super Jump created?

Vladimir Dovgan — the founder of the system, a well-known Russian entrepreneur, student of economic sciences, and the author of more than 20 books. Dovgan noted that 2 billion people on Earth feel themselves not realized, unhappy, they do not see the purpose of life, are burdened with constant stress, huge deficit of energy, have difficulties with the formation of relationships, career, and with the raising of children.

Why this works!

In search of the solutions to many problems, Vladimir Dovgan travelled over the entire world, spent $4,500,000 and for 18 years he searched for a unique and effective method for overcoming personal crisis and uncovering their potential. Dovgan started using the exercises for himself and conducted a study with 26,000 people, who participated in the training programs. And, the Super Jump system was created.

What is unique about the trainings?

Due to the simplicity of the Super Jump exercises, which work in a team of like-minded people and under the management of the Intellect Trainer, 95% of training participants have positive results, independent of their preparation level.

More than 2,000 Intellect Trainers

From all around the world they are all members of the World Association of Super Jump Intellect Trainers.

Super Jump Benefits

The course will upgrade your abilities and give you:


Affects speed of decision making, the quality of life


Influences the ability to speak in public, trust of others, respect and desire of all to collaborate with you


Influences the skill to find a compromise, influence and manage people


Affects the achievement of ambitious goals


Influences discipline, standard of living


Influences the skill to find a compromise, influence and manage people


Influences communication, a quantity and quality of environment (people)


Influences the brightness of life, the use of new opportunities


It influences new interesting experiences, creative thinking, and the search for nonstandard solutions


For one hour each day with the trainer, who will give you the exercises of the Super Jump system in an easy and accessible form and teach you how to use them effectively in life.


Fears in the communication with the people, and also to learn to demonstrate natural and sincere emotions of happiness and joy.


With other students in your online group of max 10 people, who also have the purpose of developing themselves and others.


And the life of other people, self- confidence and high self-esteem.


From your personal growth and from other students in the development group.

To Whom is Super Jump Useful?

SUPER JUMP – this is:

  • Strongest charger of energy of man!
  • Coolest online school of development of emotional intellect!
  • The coolest online public speaking school!
  • The best cure for loneliness in the world!
  • Reliable, checked in practice procedure of strengthening mental health!
  • Most effective procedure for dealing with the senile!
  • One of the most effective online procedures of strengthening immunity!
  • Good additional support to people that fight with alcoholism, addiction, and other dependences!
  • Bright, interesting, and captivating school for the adolescents!
  • The best in the world leadership online school!
  • It helps people to find their purpose in life, their mission on Earth!

What will Super Jump give you?

  • Will develop energy, will create or increase your level of happiness!
  • Will develop Emotional intellect, will strengthen mental health!
  • It will help you find your purpose in life, and to understand your mission on earth!
  • Will develop competitiveness!

How It Works

How the online course works

in zoom

9 days – 1 hour per day

work in groups of max 10 people

Required from you:

simple exercises each day

yourself from the side

about your growth and to share your impressions

By investing one hour of your time a day and through constant repetition, you will develop the habit of feeling higher and more significant in this life.
You will receive a methodology and understand how to generate a daily boost of energy in yourself, an incentive for personal development and the ability to help other people understand their “I” through the transfer of simple exercises to friends, colleagues, relatives and partners who so much need a daily boost of energy and positive thinking.
Learn to control your thoughts, emotions and feelings with this system, communicating with other students and coaches.
You will help yourself to form the thinking of a successful person, thanks to which positive changes occur in all areas of life: In relationships, health, career, finances, family, self-realization, getting rid of bad habits.

Who Am I? Where do I go? What is the purpose of life?
You will find answers to these chief questions of life after beginning to carry out the exercises of our revolutionary system of personal development.


I passed the course of Super Jump Very interesting, informative, I want to stay in this positive state forever. Training gives a colossal energy boost! Awakens the inner potential of a person. Helps to revive the ideas of man. Helps to become more confident and purposeful. Thanks to the classes, I gained confidence in the implementation of the intended goal, something that no doubt I will succeed. There was a desire to meet more and more happy, successful, healthy, rich and not only financially people. Protect myself, my immediate environment from information trash. I suddenly wanted to learn a foreign language. I recommend it to anyone who wants to change their life for the better. This will free you from shackles, complexes, reveal your deeply hidden potential! I wish all people happiness!
Irina Shcherbakova
Judicial expert, Voronezh, Russia
Super Jump – this is a wonderful system for personal growth, regardless of what exactly you want to pump. This is a system of simple exercises that will help you recharge your batteries, rethink your attitude to many problems and see new solutions. In 8 days, I learned a lot about myself, saw my strengths and learned new techniques on how to support and motivate myself in difficult situations. And how to filter out from life what takes energy and pulls back. And the most beautiful thing about Super Jump is the huge support from the group and the Intellect Trainer. Every day of the course is an opportunity to share experiences with others and celebrate each other’s victories. Super Jump is the most rewarding environment for growth, surrounded by other motivated talented positive people. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to be even better.
Mary Barikhin
Marketer from Zurich, Switzerland
It passed the course of Super Jump My first impression, why is this guy smiling so much, why does he want to make the world a better place?) But, after the first lesson – I felt everything on myself! Lesson after lesson, my sense of need for this world grew. Task after task, I was filled with Universal energy, but my body began to resist… I was shocked by the realization of how much the body, and I, too, were used to being in a small comfort zone… Super team! All together they supported and helped me to cope, to get out of this inhibiting fence. The Super Jump program completely turned me around, my perception of life. Incredible charge, incredible but simple tasks, invigorating team. I am grateful to my friends for the opportunity to learn what Super Jump is, I thank you for your attitude and for believing in yourself and for the idea make the world a better place! Thank you Super Jump!
Nazarov’s pine strawberry
Housewife, Novosibirsk, Russia
Passed Super Jump and would like to write my review about these 8 amazing days that changed my life. They promised that after 3-4 classes life will change, they lie! From the first lessons, if you complete the task, you begin to see everything in a different light. What did I gain from these classes? Firstly, I was filled with energy, secondly, I know what I will devote my life to, and thirdly, I have a super- goal. Every day I use 8 exercises in my life and they help me solve many life situations. I recommend that everyone go through Super Jump, as this is not just training, but a completely new, more powerful level of development.
Aleksey Finogenov
Specialist in sales. Moscow, Russia
I am from the city of Novosibirsk and I am 38 years old, I heard about Super Jump for a very long time, but I did not dare to take the course, I was advised to read the book by Vladimir Dovgany first. After reading a lot, it became clear about our gray life! I signed up for the Super Jump course and, along with 11 other like-minded people, began to study. The courses were held in Skype and at first I was shy, but almost immediately I got used to speaking into this black circle (camera). The exercises that we were offered to perform and explained in great detail how, turned out to be not difficult in practice and very effective. After completing the course, my health improved, awareness of actions appeared, and life goals were outlined. In general, if depression happens in my life, now I know what to do and how to deal with it. Thanks to the Super Jump project for the great ideas and help! I wish you continued prosperity and growth!
Yevgeny Loboda
Rescuer of Ministry of Emergencies from Novosibirsk, Russia
Passed the Super Jump course. It’s just a genuine storm of positive emotions! Enthusiasm, elation and inspiration – these are just a few of the amazing words that can describe this course! The exercises are so simple and understandable, but at the same time, they simply “bite” deeply into your veins and blood, thereby starting the process of YOUR development! Surprisingly, but true – you become confident, calm, and most importantly: the people around you feel the changes and flourish, being next to you. It all starts with you and it’s 100% true! Thank you for your support, for emotions, positive, skill and unobtrusive kicks under the soft spot). It was worth it!!! I recommend everyone to pass Super Jump! Get out of your comfort zone! Develop yourself! And then you will have the opportunity to make this world a better, kinder and more positive!!!
Julia Tikhonova
Engineer-programmer, the instructor of group programs on Zumba, mom on maternity leave. Mogilev, Belarus
On the first day, the “rules of the game” with which it all begins is a little shocking. If you want to enjoy the process, take the game seriously. Do whatever the coach says. It’s worth it. I got high on the second day. My wife somewhere on the fourth day. Everyone in our group was delighted. Without exaggeration. “Super jumping” with the woman you love. Result: plus 100 to mutual understanding, minus 100 to nerves. Married friends are jealous) It dawned on us that fighting is not constructive. And keeping the peace is easy. From me, have a little patience if it gets dusty. From her, quickly pull yourself together and calm down. And you can easily solve any issue. Experience from life. She always freaks out when I’m driving. Before the course, it was always my fault. On the third day of the course we are going, she just started to “thump” and immediately apologized. She says she realized that the best strategy is to relax and have fun. Because driving style is my responsibility. And her responsibility is not to “thump”. Hearing this from a woman is worth a lot. I got into it and tried to drive more carefully. In general, Super Jump is not about relationships, but we have shot best in this area. Oksana has learned to speak publicly. The first days her voice trembled and it was not entirely clear what she was talking about. On the ninth day, even semantic pauses and intonations appeared. Nobody taught it. She didn’t notice the change at all. I noticed from the side. I listened to the recording and was surprised. The skill is revealed and will remain forever. My advice is to treat Super Jump as fun. Do not expect that on the ninth day life will change, insight will come and all diseases will pass. Let it be just a game. You haven’t played this yet. You will definitely like her. And there will be benefits. Everyone has their own. A sudden jackpot is always better than disappointed expectations.
Sergey Shishkov
Project manager for the design and supply of equipment. Kaluga, Russia
I took the SUPER JUMP course from 01/23 to 01/31/20. My impressions of the course varied from session to session. At first I was amazed at the communication between the team. It was very difficult for me to accept and speak praising words towards people. But after 2-3 days, I began to understand that if you smile, then your thoughts change, if you straighten your shoulders and walk with the posture of a queen, then there is a sense of dignity. You start to feel it. And the feeling of being in space is also changing. Marvelous!?! After dousing and wishing everyone happiness, you get such a boost of energy! And subsequent exercises bring their effect. The main thing is to take the time to do this and complete all the tasks. This is the main condition for changing your internal state. Already in the course of the course I got the result. Because I am an indecisive person, it’s hard for me to say “no” to people, especially those who crush with all the might of their imperious nature. And to such a person I resolutely (as it seems to me) and culturally say “no”, but it turns out that no one hears me and convinces me of the opposite. A few days have passed since the course, but we all communicate. I enjoy praising other people, and I’m great at accepting positive feedback myself. And I am ready to continue working on myself, because life is fleeting and I so want to spend it with benefit, and not in despondency, in which I arrived for a very long time. I highly recommend taking the SUPER JUMP course! And win yourself, and maybe also benefit people.
Tatiana Rozhdestvenskaya
Deputy chief accountant in TKS of “Kuntsevo” with the Department of culture. Moscow, Russia
Passed the Super Jump course from 18.-27.12.2019. Before the course, I read V. Dovgan’s books “Intelligence Trainer” and “Super Jump”, which describe the exercises and the principles of the system. I got the impression that everything is clear, as they say, everything is simple – take it and just do it. But after going through the first classes with an intellect trainer, I realized that without a mentor, your work can go completely in the wrong direction and is absolutely ineffective! It’s like practicing karate from books… From the very first lesson, I began to clearly follow the instructions and tasks of the intellect coach. After the first exercise, you are simply filled with energy, you have the desire and strength to act and achieve success. Performing the following exercise, in general, wonderful things happen – the world, people begin to give you smiles and even real gifts. (this happened to me, slowing down myself from expressing dissatisfaction with the seller – at the end of the service I received a gift from the store). Everything really works in practice! I think any sane person, having completed the Super Jump course, will divide his life into BEFORE and AFTER. You understand that you have received a pearl for the endless development of yourself. It becomes clear to you how you have been manipulated up to this point and why there were failures and illnesses in your life. And the Most Important thing is clear to you what you need to do to change your life and it does not take much time. If you are still thinking, then do not waste time, then what you get after completing the course will be thousands of times more valuable than what you invest. Not ×10 but ×1000 !!!!
Donatas Kristiūnas
Deputy CEO at the fintech online project Riga, Latvia

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Cost of the course $160 for students

the 9-day online course

support in a Telegram group with a large base of developing materials, a SUPER JUMP book – the infinite energy of SUCCESS

participation in the intellect club online

personally tutored by the trainer

Attend and you will learn to control your feelings, thoughts and emotions, you will become the generator of happiness and energy, you will learn to be happy and cheerful, and also you will get rid of the fatigue, sleepiness, depression, neuroses, psychoses, apathies, and fears.

Your Trainer

Liezel Steyn Super Jump Bio

I am the first English and Afrikaans Trainer, Master trainer and PRO in South Africa. I instantly joined the program as a trainer when I went through the program and it made such a huge impact to my own life. I knew that I had to become a trainer to be able to share this program with the world and to help others achieve their own potential and greatness.

I lost the weight that I wasn’t able to lose for the last few years, despite being very active and training very hard. My eating habits were largely linked to my internal unhappiness and eating too much or the wrong foods was my body’s way of trying to compensate for the unhappiness.

I was able to finally let go of the extra weight due to the massive positive changes in my internal state and internal happiness that the Super Jump Intellect Training program brought to my life. My external world changed and I started attracting things into my life that I didn’t think would ever be possible. The stuck states that I had experienced, now had new possibilities and resolutions, and life seemed so much brighter and with many more possibilities and opportunities. I found an internal happiness that I didn’t know was possible and it made all the difference to my internal and external world.

With today’s fast paced pressurized life, most people are stressed, anxious, depressed and unhappy. Super jump gave me the ability to shift my internal state out of depression around my circumstances into a space of hope and confidence and excitement about my future and the opportunities it holds. I have connected to a state of internal happiness that I haven’t experienced for years.

Out of all the self development programs I’ve done in my life, this gave me the quickest results and biggest change in my life, in the shortest period of time. Super jump are a bunch of skills and daily practices you learn to incorporate into your daily life. They don’t require additional time out of your day and yet they change your entire inner and outer world. You get to raise your vibration and when that happens, you are open to attract and receive more of that which you want in life. So in essence, Super Jump incorporates the law of attraction and so many more other aspects, all in one program.

Inner happiness, confidence, energy, health and positivity are just a few of the phenomenal changes people experiences and these internal changes affect our outer world. You attract more abundance in your life in whatever areas you require them, relationships, financial abundance, joy in life, material wealth, etc

General Information

About Super Jump

“Man himself is a generator of happiness. Our task is not to seek or to achieve happiness, but to generate it every day, and to generously fill ourselves, our homes, our entire world with happiness. How can we do this? Let Super Jump be the ignition key that turns on your own personal generator of happiness.”

Super Jump History

Vladimir Dovgan grew up in communist Russia, where the USSR was like one large prison camp, surrounded by barbed wire. If a person wanted to run away from that communist “paradise,” he would be shot down, very likely killed. The unfortunates who survived an unsuccessful escape attempt would be thrown into the GULAG for many long years. They had no right to live where they wanted, they never traveled abroad, they didn’t even know how people in other countries lived and they were brainwashed into thinking that Russia was the most advanced and the happiest country and they had no other source of information as all information was blocked from entering the country. People’s right to owning property was taken away and they were starving while the food was being sold to other countries. Identification papers were even taken away from them and people couldn’t just move to different places because they didn’t have identification papers.

“How badly we lived can be understood from one simple example: I never saw apples until I was six years old. I was surprised to learn that apples existed on Earth. I first tasted bananas when I was 16 years old, and was equally shocked to know that there was such a fruit in the world. From my childhood, I remember constant queues for bread, butter and milk. Disposable packaging was practically nonexistent in the USSR, and we always lived hand-to-mouth. A normal day for me began with taking the large metal can and a handful of small change that my mother had left for me, and, still sleepy in the early morning, walking to a shop where milk was sold from a huge barrel. There was always a queue in the cold, and I would pour a few liters of milk into the can and carefully carry it home. Our diet was very poor, the main staples being potatoes and bread, with very little – and very infrequently, butter. We would get meat which was fit to eat, at best, once a month. In the USSR there was never enough food, clothing, or medicine. An ordinary, cheap car was the ultimate luxury, the ultimate dream of millions of people.”

I came out of my mother’s womb not breathing, with the tangled umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. I was practically born dead.

I was born a very sickly child and suffered from congenital dyslexia, a condition in which the afflicted has trouble remembering the most basic things.

Every day I received very poor grades, and my unhappy school years can only be described by one word – hell. Many of my teachers would constantly make me to feel that I was some kind of subhuman, an idiot, an imbecile. One mathematics teacher was particularly successful in this.

my father could not know that there a disease such as dyslexia even existed, that the problem was not laziness or a lack of understanding, but that I just could not remember elementary information. As my father had grown up in a village, the only way to raise youngsters was through beatings: the stick, a slap, the belt. I would know in my child’s heart that when my father would come from work and see my school diary with its new and routinely poor grades, that he would fly into a rage, grab a belt and beat me so that everyone in our section of the nine-floor block of flats would hear my screams.

When I graduated from high school, I was absolutely sure that I was a subhuman, an imbecile, an idiot, a loser.

Several times, I seriously contemplated ending my own life. Humiliated at school, beaten by my father, I would watch as buses would pull up to the stop, and imagine how I would jump under an onrushing bus to end all of my suffering. But, pity for my mother kept me from going through with any such plan.

These lasting, bleeding scars left upon my heart from childhood remained until I was 35 years old. The Soviet Union – the evil empire, had collapsed, I had gone into business, achieved success, became a millionaire (in U.S. dollars, that is).

I remember very well one day in the 1990s, when I was relaxing with my friends in a cafe. After they had expressed their admiration for my achievements, I said to them, quite honestly, “Guys, you know, I am not developing, personally. I still struggle with all of those complexes I picked up when I was a child.” I was 35 years old, I had started a family and had a child of my own, I was a successful entrepreneur, but in the back of my mind I would still hear those words: “You’re a loser, you’re an idiot, you’re an imbecile, you’re a disgrace to the school, you’re a disgrace to the family.”


Having lived through 30 years of a hard, tormented life filled with pain, injustice and suffering, I had known the death of loved ones, I had known terrible diseases, I had felt millions of volts of dark pain pass through my unhappy heart; I had gone through hell. I had known the fall of the Evil Empire. The USSR was North Korea, only over a vast territory and with a greater number of hungry, unhappy slaves. The Empire of Pain had collapsed. Suddenly, I realized that I was like a character out of Orwell’s novel. Everything that I believed, or rather, everything that I was forced to believe, had been a lie. What I thought was good turned out to be evil, what I thought was freedom turned out to be slavery. What I thought was true turned out to be a dirty lie, what I thought was peace turned out to be war.

After going through my own earthly hell of suffering, my soul died and was reborn, breaking out of the darkness and into the light. I vowed to myself that I would do all that I could to free as many people as possible from the matrix of ignorance and anger, to find a cure for the suffering of billions of good, kind and hardworking people, to halt the destruction of nature – our only home, to help people suffering from depression and loss of purpose in life. I vowed that I would devote my life to making the world a better place.

Human challenges that gave birth to Super Jump

That a vast number of scientific discoveries: blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, autopilot, developments in energy and genetics, have already developed at a rapid pace, and this is only the beginning. The problem is that today there is a large number of intelligent and talented people who are passionate about technology and science, applications and gadgets, but who have forgotten about or neglected to be a happy, healthy person. And here’s why: there have been appallingly few discoveries in the field of adult development in the last hundred years. We can count these discoveries on one hand: psychoanalysis, Gestalt, NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), and all of these discoveries were made a long time ago. The last brilliant technique in the field of human development, NLP, was born 30 years ago. I myself was fortunate enough to speak personally with one of the creators of neurolinguistic programming. This is why people desperately need Super Jump. This is why the profession of intellect trainers is developing at the pace that it is today. Before the fourth industrial revolution, adults could get an education once in a lifetime and use their diplomas for the rest of their lives. Today, to survive, an adult needs to constantly learn and develop. Today, adults need Super Jump, just as we need the air that we breathe. We need a system for daily intellectual, emotional and personal development and replenishment of our energies.

Huge flows of information literally flatten the human mind. According to UN statistics, 76% of the world’s adult population has lost their purpose, their meaning in life.

Billions of adults today have lost their support systems, lost their meaning in life, live with a lack of energy. The old methods of helping adults such as psychoanalysis, Gestalt, NLP and others are no longer effective, no longer adequate to cope with the increased overload on the human psyche. This is what the data tells us, or rather, screams to us. The number of people suffering from depression, subdepression, neuroses, psychoses, apathy, and loss of purpose of life in developed countries is constantly growing. We can conclude, dear reader, that if the old approaches and methods of helping adults were working, the number of people suffering from mental illnesses would at least remain at about the same level. But the use of antidepressants is increasing with great speed, the number of unfortunate, lost people is also growing with tremendous speed.

Modern man is like a mobile phone; while it is charged it is a very useful device, without which we cannot imagine our life today, but if the battery is not recharged, the phone becomes a useless piece of glass, plastic and metal, worthless even for pounding nails. To make our mobile phones useful, we charge them every day. The same principle works with billions of people. Billions of intelligent, hardworking and good people have lost their energy and become uncompetitive, wake up in the morning tired, overwhelmed, and exhausted, chronically short of energy. The old chargers are useless, they don’t work. It’s impossible to charge your mobile phone with a windmill. People NEED Super Jump! Super Jump is a charger for every day, it’s a new, endless source of positive energy for success! What is Super Jump? It is eight intellectual, energetic and emotional exercises connected in one system. Imagine a solid, sturdy spiral staircase. Each step is one of the Super Jump exercises. Every day, you slowly climb these solid, reliable, and proven steps to realize your new energy, new life, new achievements.

To create the most effective system of personality development, Super Jump, we have studied everything that humanity has created over the past 6,000 years in the fields of intelligence, divergent thinking, genius, positive mentality and charisma. And to our surprise, the number of exercises and techniques is small, numbering only a few hundred.

I’ve spent and devoted the last 34 years of my life to the research and development of exercises, teaching methods and techniques in the field of adult development. Until the creation of Super Jump, no such educational programs for adults existed.

Today, we, the creators of Super Jump, are devoting our lives to develop the world’s first adult pedagogy, because adults need Super Jump, once again, like the air that we breathe. Once again, dear reader, the best minds of our time, the most talented people of today are passionate about the development of robots, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, the most fantastic gadgets and devices, but all of us, all of humanity, have forgotten the most important thing – a happy, fulfilled person.

The developing Super Jump system and how it works

Super Jump is a unique program which consists of eight intellect exercises, a team concept conducive to personal development, and an intellect trainer.


The foundation of the Super Jump system is eight ultra-effective exercises. I created these eight exercises over a period of 34 years. During this time, I traveled throughout much of the world: Tibet, Japan, China, America, Europe, Latin America, Asia. I spent more than $1.5 million dollars on my training and searching for the most effective exercises. As a result of 34 years of practical research and analysis of hundreds of worthy exercises collected from around the world, I have selected the eight which I believe to be the most effective. Each exercise develops one or more qualities and facets of one’s personality. Each of these exercises has enormous power on its own strength, but the real quantum leap in personal development is realized through the synergy of all eight exercises used as part of a larger system. We perform the Super Jump exercises as in an unbroken circle, throughout our lives. Super Jump is a pattern of personal development for a lifetime.


The intellect trainer is the primary core of the developing Super Jump system. To better understand the role of the intellect trainer, imagine a civil aviation pilot training school without instructors. Imagine how training for future pilots would be conducted. They would go to training courses, be given books, shown videos and after a year be expected to successfully fly passenger aircraft. I think we would all agree, dear reader, that we would not want to fly in an airplane which was being controlled by a person who had only read the instructions for flying it. Similarly, the Super Jump airliner is just as difficult to manage without an intellect trainer. Here’s another example. If we were to remove fitness trainers from all gyms, beginners coming to the gyms would not only not know how to use the equipment to its maximum effectiveness, but even in a safe manner. It’s impossible to imagine athletes – football players, baseball players, etc., without coaches. In the same way, Super Jump does not work without an intellect trainer.


Pedagogy around the world has long and repeatedly proved the importance of an environment conducive to development. A person develops intellectually, energetically and emotionally ten times faster if he is surrounded by people who are also striving for the same such development and growth. To better understand the power of the collective, watch the film “The Ron Clark Story.” This beautiful film will give you a strong charge of good, positive energy.


Having studied and learned all eight intellect exercises, we perform one of these exercises during the course of a given day – that is, we focus on only one of the exercises per day. The reason for this is that our brain is wired in a way that we can’t possibly focus on eight exercises simultaneously. You can’t watch eight videos on YouTube at once. At the same time, if you do only one of the exercises repetitively, after a few days our brain will not notice it. We will plateau. Let me give you an example: during the day your eyes get used to the sunlight and you do not notice it, but when the sun rises after a dark night, the same daylight that you did not notice during the day yesterday makes a huge impression on you. Using this same principle, every eight days, we perform the intellect exercises in sequence, and each time throughout the “circle” of exercises we discover new knowledge, new mental height, new energy through the individual exercises. We rise as if we were ascending a sturdy, reliable spiral staircase. One day, one exercise – one step of growth. And in this fashion we continue to develop and grow throughout our long, contented life, filled with love, prosperity and good fortune. Why not?!



  • Increased oxygen, a large amount of hormones of happiness are released, we become much more creative and inventive, our performance is increased by 50%, and we are less tired. Consequently, we are able to do more, we become more effective in life.
  • Increased joy which is transferred to our friends and loved ones, and they become 20% happier and more cheerful, the mood among all is lifted.
  • It’s not just a source of positive energy, not just an energy charger, it is the key to happiness, prosperity and health.
  • Decrease and ultimately avoiding negative thoughts and feelings.
  • You don’t need to fight anger, depression, hatred, resentment and ingratitude as you learn to focus your attention on generating positive emotions, happiness and joy.
  • Our energy, mood and behavior models change during the exercises.
  • Our faces communicate these positive feelings which are produced, our minds and consciousness are calmed and convinced that everything is super, everything is fine.
  • The exercises create the message: “I’m a winner, I’m healthy, I’m confident.” The brain receives a huge amount of positive energy, strength and hormones of happiness.
  • The truth is that we first develop happiness within ourselves, and then this happiness helps us to achieve glory and prosperity.
  • This happiness and energy will allow you to build your house even faster, to achieve satisfaction and prosperity.
  • The complete wisdom and beauty of this intellect exercise can be expressed in four words: first happiness, then prosperity.



  • Control of thoughts: The ability to control one’s thoughts and focus on positive thoughts and emotions.
  • Elimination of negative thoughts: The ability to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions that may be holding you back.
  • Cleansing of the mind: The ability to cleanse the mind of negative thoughts and emotions, creating a more positive and peaceful state of mind.



  • Changes in inner state: The ability to change one’s inner state, leading to a more positive and peaceful state of mind.
  • Changes in perception: The ability to change the way others perceive you, leading to better communication and relationships with others.
  • Control of emotional state: The ability to command your emotional state, energy level, moral state and connections with others.
  • Increase in confidence, optimism, strength of mind and charisma: The ability to increase confidence, optimism, strength of mind and charisma, leading to better performance in personal and professional life.
  • Influx of energy, confidence and self-esteem: The ability to create an influx of energy, confidence and self-esteem, leading to better performance in personal and professional life.



  • Strengthening of the immune system: The ability to strengthen the immune system, leading to less occurrences of common cold, general malaise, and the flu.
  • Positive energy of success: The ability to charge oneself with positive energy of success for the entire day.
  • Cleansing of consciousness and soul: The ability to cleanse the consciousness and soul from the informational and emotional sludge that has accumulated over the previous day.
  • Growth of personality: The ability to grow one’s personality in a surprising way, leading to a major competitive advantage and access to one’s huge natural potential.
  • Connection to universal “WiFi”: The ability to connect to a sort of universal “WiFi” and “download” new revolutionary and progressive ideas for solving problems, and a huge amount of new information.



  • Breaking the chain of negative impacts: The ability to mentally break the chain of stresses, attacks, humiliations, ingratitude, and any negative impacts on you and your reactions to them.
  • Gaining control over thoughts and feelings: The ability to gain control over one’s thoughts and feelings, putting a stop to anger, irritability, hatred, and other negative emotions.
  • Living longer, healthier, happier and more prosperous: The potential to live longer, be healthier, happier and more prosperous by implementing this exercise diligently.



  • Proper management of words: The ability to learn how to properly manage words to give oneself a new, happy, high-quality life.
  • Creating a new, happier personality: The ability to learn how to create a new, happier personality.
  • Changing reality: The ability to learn how to change one’s reality.



  • Improvement of health: The ability to improve one’s overall health and well-being.
  • Reduction of stress and negative emotions: The ability to diminish stress, depression, neurosis, worry, fear, and aggression.
  • Enhancement of creativity and critical thinking: The ability to increase creativity abilities and critical thinking processes.
  • Removal of negative influences: The ability to remove negative influences on thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
  • Protection of the mind: The ability to learn how to protect the mind from destructive, negative, and meaningless information.
  • Avoidance of negative hormones: The ability to learn how to avoid the body from releasing hormones associated with negative emotions.
  • Preservation of physical and emotional well-being: The ability to prevent the digestive system from being disturbed, the immune system from becoming stressed, and the level of happiness from falling.
  • Time management: The ability to learn how to preserve precious time and prevent apathy and passivity.



  • To improve your competitive advantage.
  • Gives one super motivation, super strength, super energy.

Super Jump – An excellent aid in the fight against depression and loss of purpose in life

In the 21st century, depression has become an absolute plague. In developed countries, one in five people suffer from varying degrees of depression. What’s worse, the number of people suffering from depression is growing every year. The consumption of antidepressants continues to grow at an enormous rate. We as intellect trainers do not deal with the treatment of depression or mental illnesses, this falls under the competence of certified doctors and specialists. What We Do is to help and inspire people to develop positive energy and a positive mindset. We help people develop their own optimism, confidence and enthusiasm.

When Pyotr Silkin and I created Super Jump, our primary goal was to stop the destruction of nature, to save the future of our children and grandchildren through intellect training. But in the process of testing and using Super Jump, we made a remarkable random discovery. Remember the story about when scientists were looking for a cure for a certain disease, they suddenly found that the synthesized drug “Viagra” increased potency? By creating a daily charger of positive energy for adults, we discovered a side effect that helps to free people from depression. The “side” effect astounded us. In practice, we saw that when adults began to develop through the Super Jump system, the process of the development itself was another additional powerful source, a “generator” of positive, radiant energy. Naturally, we realize that positive energy alone is not enough to defeat depression and apathy. I have also learnt that one of the leading causes of depression is a loss of purpose in life. During the process of intellect training, Super Jump gives students the realization of at least three very important purposes in life.

The first is learning to be happy in and with yourself, and to generously share that happiness with the world. As we already know, happiness is not a goal, but on the same level of things such as memory, intelligence and will power. Happiness can be easily developed, much easier than you might think. In Super Jump, we consider a person to be a generator of happiness and positive energy. Five of the eight Super Jump exercises directly or indirectly develop levels of happiness, joy and positive energy.

A second important purpose in life is personal development. One of the chief laws of the universe is the human need for development, the pursuit of goodness, the desire to improve. These are hard-wired in the human psyche. If we train the memory, it continues to be developed. If it is not “coached,” it fades away. If we train the power of the spirit, it grows and becomes stronger, but if we succumb to a destructive, corrupting way of life, the power of the spirit diminishes and disappears.

If we do nothing, we slowly, gradually degrade, we become more stupid, weaker, more negative, we gradually turn into a vegetable. The strength of Super Jump is that we create an environment for personal development, and with the daily support of the intellect trainer our students perform eight simple yet powerful exercises which develop energy, a positive mentality, cheerfulness and happiness. True happiness is impossible without daily intellectual, energetic and emotional development.

The third thing that we can consider when contemplating the purpose of life is what I like to call the “super goal” – which is to stop the destruction of nature and save humanity from self-destruction, through intellect training. Only in our developing Super Jump system is there is such a powerful pedagogical technique as a super goal. One of the causes of depression, perhaps the most common, is that people have been instilled with false values. In fact, from a man created in the likeness of God, through industrialization, advertising and bad examples, talent, genius and greatness have been killed and turned into a consuming entity. When a person thinks that the meaning of his or her life is to accumulate money and buy as many goods as possible, the person is likely to suffer from depression.

Every day that we go to work – regardless of whether we work for ourselves or for a corporation or the state, we take our time and exchange it for money. With that money, we buy goods that break, quickly go out of fashion or become obsolete, and we throw them away. And our soul, super consciousness cries, because it understands that we work to create a landfill. We went to work, gave our precious time, got our money, purchased goods, and threw them into in the landfill, and so it goes, all throughout life. 87% of the causes of depression are due to the fact that a person does not live his or her own life, and does not understand it. But the super consciousness, the soul, suffers and weeps, because it understands that the meaning of life cannot be to accumulate money and to mindlessly buy goods.

I generally believe that depression is not a disease, but a signal system of the soul.

The soul, the super consciousness, screams to us that we are not living our own lives, we are not being fulfilled. But instead of analyzing and understanding the causes of depression, we begin to take pills and turn off our signal systems. As time passes and the pills no longer work for us, we lie in bed, we don’t want to go to work, we don’t want to get up. We go to the doctor, and the doctor says, “You have a disease – depression. I have even stronger pills.” We start taking even stronger pills. They last for a while, but the soul and super consciousness, if not already dead, still continue to cry, scream, suffer, and plead with us to find our way in life, to find our mission, our destiny. Naturally, I’m aware that every case of depression has its own individual causes, and that not all are necessarily due to a loss of purpose in life. Causes of depression are manifold. There may be physical, physiological, macroeconomic, financial and social reasons. Most often, depression is caused by a combination of reasons.

I’ve personally seen many instances of everyday people who are tired of life, suffering from depression, who come to Super Jump for additional positive energy and step by step begin to grow and develop, begin to have energy, and then learn to manage thoughts, feelings, energy and behavior. With every month, these people have more and more energy and soon they hold in their hands the control panel of their mood, energy and thoughts. They are free! Dear reader, mentally imagine yourself in the place of a person holding a remote control with which to control emotions, feelings and energy. This remote has two buttons: black and white. Press the black button, and you’ll turn on anger, resentment, hatred and fatigue. Press the white button, and you’ll turn on joy, love, happiness and a wealth of positive energy. The choice is yours.

How to sign up

  1. Click on the SIGN UP button
  2. The link will take you to the Super Jump official site which might be in Russian. Click on the American flag 🇺🇸 at the top right corner for English (if not already in English)
  3. Fill in your details, use an active email address and create a password with 6 or more characters that include numbers and letters.
  4. Once you are registered you will see the side tab on the left. Scroll down until you get to PRODUCTS. If using a mobile phone, click on the 4 horizontal stripes at the top left and the tab will open up.


  • Click on payment block.
  • Fill in card details and push the payment button.


  • Click on CLUB MEMBERSHIP and choose the level of trainer you want to join as. Please contact Liezel for assistance and guidance, should you need clarity on which level to join as.
  • Click on the yellow block with the amount at the bottom of the trainer description.
  • This will open a payment block which says CARD or PERSONAL ACCOUNT. Click the CARD option.
  • Click on payment block.
  • Fill in card details and push the payment button.

Please contact Liezel if at any stage you get stuck or you are unclear as to where to go or which prompts to follow and she will gladly guide you on what to do😃
Please contact Liezel via WhatsApp once you’ve registered to arrange for training dates and further information.

Contact Liezel

Mobile & WhatsApp: +27 72 060 6722